Trinity Hub Gallery is a dedicated space for local artists and groups, set within the church community building. The Hub is where a number of groups and charities meet and where many classes and talks take place. After opening in March 2023, the gallery has so far displayed paintings by members of Art4All, the Sawley Art Group and was one of the venues for the Clitheroe Contemporary Open Exhibition in June 2023. Solo shows have included Gosha Gibek and John Chapman. Trinity’s own archive of photographs, dating from the late 19th century, is shown on a rotation basis and is a wonderful historical record of events and people living in Clitheroe over the last 130 years. The exhibitions change monthly and begin with an opening celebration at the Coffee Stop, the last Saturday of the month, 9.30-12 Noon. Visitors are welcome on weekdays from 10-2pm, please use the entrance in the car park. If you are interested in using the space for an exhibition, please email for details.